Barbara Delgleize
Real Estate Broker, Mayor of Huntington Beach CA
A residential real estate broker, Mayor Delgleize has lived in Huntington Beach since 1974. She is active in philanthropic organizations and has been a longtime member of the HB Chamber of Commerce (Chairman of the Board, 2009). In addition, she served on the HB Infrastructure Committee and as a member of the 2009 HB Centennial Committee celebrating 100 years of Huntington Beach history. Prior to her election to the City Council in 2014, Barbara was a member and chair of the Huntington Beach Planning Commission (2008-2012) and served on the Visit Huntington Beach Board of Directors. As Mayor, Barbara is serving on the Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) Board, Orange County Sanitation District (OCSD), Santa Ana River Flood Project Agency (SARFPA), Association of California Cities - OC (ACCOC), Visit HB, Intergovernmental Relations Committee (IRC) and Economic Development Committee (EDC) and Coastal Coalition Board.